In addition to putting together a high-level stimulating scientific program, we do our best in organizing a vivid social program (including welcome reception, wine during poster session, banquet, optional city tour, etc.) which distinguishes itself from all the other conferences. Our aim is to create a truly friendly and relaxing environment for discussing about science and networking with your peers as well as pioneers in the fields. Here, we like to thank all symposium sponsors for their kind support to make this possible.
The Welcome Reception is scheduled in the evening of September 20, 2024. In addition to sorts of nice food, wine and beer will be served. Enjoy the party and get warmed up!
The Poster Session is scheduled in the late afternoon / early evening of September 21, 2024. Wine, beer and snacks will be served. Let's discuss the science with great enthusiasm!
The Banquet is scheduled in the evening of September 22, 2024. In banquet, Chinese liquor, wine and beer will be served. In addition, a special entertainment program will be presented and the Best Poster Awards will be announced and bestowed. Please Note: Because of limited seats (ca. 500), banquet tickets will be given only to early registers. FIRST COME, FIRST GET! The banquet is supported by our generous sponsors.
Panmen Scenic Area and Ping Jiang Road Tour will be organized on September 23, 2024, starting from 9 am. If you are interested, please register and pay the tour to the Travel Agency on site on September 20, 2024.