SIPCD 2012

Highlights of SIPCD 2012    

• 30 invited lectures by worldwide top scientists

• 252 poster presentations selected out of over 300 submissions

• 418 delegates from 138 institutions and 18 countries

• Panel Discussion – What is The Future of Nanomedicine?

• Author Workshop – The Art of Writing Great Scientific Papers

• publication of a special issue in Journal of Controlled Release

Biomacromolecules Poster Awards

• conference report in Nanomedicine


SIPCD 2012 Program is available at SIPCD 2012 final program.pdf

SIPCD 2012 Poster Abstracts have been published in Journal of Controlled Release Volume 172 Issue 1 (Pages e13-e150).

SIPCD 2012 Special Issue has been published in Journal of Controlled Release Volume 169 Issue 3, Pages 163-348 (10 August 2013).

SIPCD 2012 Conference Report published in Nanomedicine is available at Conference Scene - From innovative polymers to advanced nanomedicine key challenges, recent progress and future perspectives (Nanomedicine 2013).pdf

SIPCD 2012 Group Photo is available atSIPCD 2012 Group Photo.pdf


SIPCD 2012 Album