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Twan Lammers

Professor of Medicine

Head of Department of Nanomedicine and Theranotics

Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging, 

Center for Biohybrid Medical Systems

RWTH Aachen University Clinic, Aachen, Germany

Group Website:

Twan Lammers obtained a D.Sc. in Radiation Oncology from Heidelberg University in 2008 and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Technology from Utrecht University in 2009. In the same year, he started the Nanomedicine and Theranostics group at RWTH Aachen University. In 2014, he was promoted to full professor of medicine at RWTH Aachen University Clinic. His group aims to individualize and improve disease treatment by combining drug targeting with imaging. To this end, image-guided (theranostic) drug delivery systems are being developed, as well as materials and methods to monitor tumor growth, angiogenesis, inflammation, fibrosis and metastasis. He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers (h-index 88) and received multiple prestigious scholarships and awards, including ERC starting, consolidator and proof-of-concept grants, the CRS Young Investigator Award, the Adritelf International Award, the Belgian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences International Award, and the JNB Trailblazer Award. He currently serves as the president of the Controlled Release Society and is a council member of the European Society for Molecular Imaging. He is a member of the editorial board of 10 journals, and acts as associate editor for JCR, DDTR and MIB. Since 2019, he is included in the Clarivate Analytics list of Highly Cited Researchers.



Recent Publications:

[1]    Bhatia S, Chen X, Dobrovolskaia M, Lammers T. Cancer nanomedicine. Nat Rev Cancer 22, 550-556 (2022)

[2]    Biancacci I, De Lorenzi F, Theek B, Bai X, May J, Consolino L, Baues M, Moeckel D, Gremse F, Stillfried S, El Shafei A, Benderski K, Shalmani A, Wang A, Momoh J, Pena Q, Buhl E, Buyel J, Hennink W, Kiessling F, Metselaar J, Shi Y, Lammers T. Monitoring EPR effect dynamics during nanotaxane treatment with theranostic polymeric micelles. Adv Sci e2103745 (2022)

[3]    Dasgupta A, Sun T, Palomba R, Rama E, Zhang Y, Power C, Liu M, Sarode A, Weiler M, Motta A, Porte C, Magnuska Z, Elshafei A, Barmin R, Graham A, McClelland A, Rommel D, Stickeler E, Kiessling F, Pallares R,   De Laporte L, Decuzzi P, McDannold N, Mitragotri S, Lammers T. Non-spherical ultrasound microbubbles. PNAS 120, e2218847120 (2023)

[4]    Dasgupta A, Sun T, Rama E, Motta A, Zhang Y, Power C, Moeckel D, Fletcher S, Moosavifar M, Barmin R, Porte C, Buhl E, Bastard C, Pallares R, Kiessling F, McDannold N, Mitragotri S, Lammers T. Transferrin receptor-targeted nonspherical microbubbles for blood-brain barrier sonopermeation. Adv Mater 35, e2308150 (2023)

[5]    May J, Moss J, Mueller F, Golombek S, Biancacci I, Rizzo L, Elshafei A, Gremse F, Pola R, Pechar M, Etrych T, Becker S, Trautwein C, Buelow R, Boor P, Knuechel R, Von Stilfried S, Storm G, Puri S, Barry S, Schulz V, Kiessling F, Ashford M, Lammers T. Tumor tissue biomarkers for cancer nanomedicine patient stratification. Nat Biomed Eng (in press)